“It’s not just about the robot! – the development of automated welding” by Bob Bowden

NEWCASTLE Discovery Museum Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne

This highly informative talk from someone on the inside looks at the evolution of the car assembly plant and the resistance welding techniques used to build the body shell. Bob describes from personal experience the difficulties encountered as welding techniques evolved from the early 'solid-state’ sequential controllers, and then to the first generation of robotics, P.L.C.’s, electronic power & motor control systems etc. The purchase of Jaguar by Ford brought about a ‘blue sky’ policy, and Bob was on the procurement team for the all-new assembly plant machinery required for the building of the “X-type” Jag’. He subsequently took on the role of weld engineer for the new 'baby Jag'. As before the meetings are free but because we are limited to the number of people we can have at the meeting and have agreed with Discovery that we will ask everyone to book through Eventbrite so that we can keep track of demand and have a register of who is attending. Also, we have agreed with Discovery that we will hold the meetings in the afternoon starting at 2 pm and the meetings will also be offered online so that those people who feel uncomfortable with attending in person can participate in the talk. I realise that these arrangements are slightly different from in the past and if you have any queries please drop me a line and I will do my best to help. Also if you are aware of any none members who might be interested in joining us please feel free to circulate this email to them. - Eventbrite booking at - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/179391594087